Welcome to Wales! A beautiful country, lush valleys and rolling hills, dotted with castles and ancient ruins. Somewhere in this landscape, we find Llywelyn Castle, a small castle on top of a hill. Here is where the Llywelyn family and their loyal servant Nestor used to live. That was until one day, when the whole family mysteriously vanished without a trace, leaving only the little Nestor behind. The poor badger boy was left all alone in the castle, from then on having to look after the castle all by himself.

Why did they disappear so suddenly? Nestor doesn't know. He just woke up one day and they were gone. At least that's what he says. Nestor would never do any harm to his masters. Not even if they were always telling him what to do. And now that they're gone, he finally has the whole castle to himself and can do whatever he wants.
Since then the castle has become Nestor's hiding place. It's seen better days. The windows are broken, the furniture has been gnawed on and there's dirt and leaves all over the floor. But it's not like he's not been busy: The "DO NOT ENTER" sign, he put that there himself! Not to mention the miles worth of secret tunnels he's been digging. It's just a badger thing. These tunnels are so secret, even Nestor himself can get lost in them at times. He loves it down there! He could spend all day in there if he wasn't forced to find his own food. And make sure nobody comes anywhere close to his castle. He hates it when people wanna meddle in his business! It's why his biggest wish is to get a cannon for his castle. Not just any cannon, a really big and scary one that'll keep people away for sure.