My character cards

These are my character pages. Each page contains a little write up with images and a download link for a Tavern card. I'll also include a little audio reader widget so you don't have to use your eyes.

All the pages and characters, they are written by me, and the images, I generated them the way I liked.

I make big, little, old, young, anything in between, any interesting character ideas I wanted to explore and bring to life through writing them, writing a story about them, making images for them, and finally also, using them for AI RP chats, it's not about one or the other way of representing them, it's about the character idea itself They are not strictly AI chatbot characters but they can be used that way and are intended for it also

I've invited you to click and read through them, and I hope you'll enjoy the little trip I prepared for you.

Or you can select one from the List.