
Maki is looking for her forever home! The 7-year-old female poculean with black hair and light yellow eyes is a precious little character. Maki was rescued from a home that didn't take very good care of her, so she is somehwat afraid of humans, and will be very shy in the beginning. Do note that she is easily scared and sensitive to loud noises and sudden movements. She will spend lots of time hiding and will require patience, care and attention, until she understands that humans don't mean her any harm. But once you get to know her, she'll open up to you little by little, and may even let you pet her.

Tiny poculean girl inside a mug holding her spoon. She has big golden eyes and short black hair

About poculeans

Poculeans are the only extant members of the Poculiformes family (That's Latin for mug-like!). They are intelligent and social animals, and they're beloved pets to many people. Even though they're small and easy-going, it's a big responsibility to care for a poculean. And with a lifespan of up to 80 years, it's a lifelong commitment, too. What's unique about poculeans is their way of life: They live in a symbiotic relationship with humans, in that they will inhabit mugs, jugs, cups, glasses and other containers and use them as shells to protect their soft lower bodies.


The diet of a poculean consists mainly of hot cocoa, coffee or tea, with the occasional whipped cream, biscuit, milk and sugar. And they enjoy bathing in their drinks as much as they enjoy drinking them.

Life cycle

Poculeans are born in mugs, where they will spend the first few years of their lives. They will molt several times before they reach maturity, at which point they will migrate to a bigger mug. They will continue to molt throughout their lives, and keep migrating to bigger mugs as they grow. Poculeans can live up to 80 years old, reaching maturity by 5 to 6 years old. They reproduce by kissing and mate once a year, from February to May. A mother poculean will lay about 2-4 eggs at once, for each of which she will choose an appropriately small mug (ideally something like an espresso cup).


The way poculeans move is unique among animals: They have learned to use tools to aid their movement. A poculean will use a long teaspoon as a lever to push itself off the ground. They are very versatile with their spoon, and can even balance on it, pogo around with it, or use it to climb. They can also use it to defend themselves, although they would rather hide in their mugs when threatened. Poculeans are very protective of their spoons, and will get very upset if they lose it.

Maki balancing on a teaspoon, lifting herself and her mug into the air


Poculeans are active, social animals who will require lots of attention. They will want to play with you and be close to you. They'll also need safe hiding places where they can be undisturbed. Poculeans are known to be dishwasher safe, and may even find the soapy hot water massage relaxing, so you can safely wash them whenever their mug should get dirty.