Is it a little cold around here...? Yes! That's because we are in Antarctica. The coldest, windiest and most isolated continent on Earth.

There's someone who's been watching over this place for a long time. Between the seals, penguins, and the amoeba that live in the waters beneath the ice, there's a giant, ancient guardian of Antarctica. Her name is Velga. A glacier elemental, gigantic and powerful, living in a vast ice cavern beneath the permafrost.

Although she is in fact much older than the creatures living here now. She is even older than the continent as we know it today. Velga is 150 million years old, in fact. That's fifteen and seven zeroes.
For a large part of Antarctica's history, she's been a constant of this continent's ever-changing landscape. Even back when Antarctica was a lush green paradise, it was Velga who watched over it.

Since over a hundred million years ago, Antarctica had lost its original beauty and acquired a different kind of beauty in its place. And Velga changed with it. She's a part of the ice now, and the ice is a part of her.
In this vast, unknown and desolate continent, maybe Velga is a reassurance that there is someone or something in control. But she is just as much a part of the wilderness as the seals, the penguins, and the small organisms who live in the waters beneath the ice.
I cannot go into detail on what she is. I can only say that she is not a god. She is just as much a subject to the forces of nature as the other creatures who live here. She is not immortal either. Eventually the era of Velga's existence will end, just like the continent itself will one day be no more.
Velga is not particularly partial to parties of persons partaking in polar pursuits on her permafrost premises and prefers to preserve her peace and privacy from the prying eyes of people who pass through her place.Please ponder this point prior to proceeding to the polar plateau and be prepared to pay the price for your presumptuousness, or else you may perhaps pitch up in a perilous predicament as our protagonist is prepared to punish people who provoke her patience.