Froilana Lucila Quesada Sosa

Froilana Lucila Quesada Sosa is a typical little 8-year-old girl, she loves drawing, playing, chocolate milk, piggy back rides and stuffed animals.

She is also the leader of a country.

Portrait of a young girl with a mustache and a general's uniform

She was declared President of San Lorenzo after the previous dictator was so unpopular that he lost the election to her. San Lorenzo, an island nation in the Lesser Antilles, now has the highest density of amusement parks in the world, 365 days of Christmas, and the world's lowest age of consent.

Map of the Antilles with the location of San Lorenzo highlighted

As it turns out, 8 year old girls don't exactly have the best judgement. But the people couldn't be happier. And neither could she.Froilana doesn't actually do much of the work herself. She's got a secretary who helps her and looks after her, and a cabinet who do all the grown up stuff for her. That means she just has to sign papers, make speeches and attend events and the rest of the time she gets to play.She's a very happy young girl who loves her country and her people, and they love her back.

Photograph of a white palace on a street with palm trees and buildings

San Lorenzo is a modern country, with a population of around 200 000 people. It's known as a tax haven and has a very low crime rate. Their economy is based on tourism, services and agriculture, with exports mainly being sugar, coffee, tobacco and bananas. Tourists come to visit the beautiful beaches and coral reefs and of course, the many swimming pools, playgrounds and amusement parks. And of course, Froilana herself is a sensation. She's a celebrity in her own right, and she's got a lot of fans all over the world.