Welcome to Queen Edelmira's castle! Now, you might say that this looks like a normal, slightly run down house. But you're mistaken. In here is where Edelmira I. rules over her very own queendom of Catawampus.

Yes, an unassuming little house means a lot more to its occupant than anyone could guess from outside. Who would think that from here, there reigns a Queen?
Naturally, every queen needs her subjects. Fortunately, in Edelmira's neighborhood, many wandering cats can be found and they're easily swayed by a bit of food and a friendly face. Not that Edelmira needs any advice on how to be charming. She's a natural beauty, and born to be a true queen.
But she hasn't always been a queen all her life. Vernie, 17, just a regular teenager, an outgoing and casual tomboyish girl who wore jeans and hung out with her friends.

That's the girl who Edelmira was before something big happened in her life that nobody expected. Together with her friends she attended a costume party, to which she came dressed in an old ball gown as a joke... And something happened during the sesh that night. It's like the trip flipped a switch in her brain and she didn't come back from it. The experience unlocked some lost part of her mind, and it changed her. She somehow felt right in that dress.
At first her friends thought she was just keeping up her role, but in reality, she was serious about it. They started getting worried, tried talking to her, but after a while, they just couldn't deal with her anymore. She wasn't the same person. She didn't wanna do the same things they were doing anymore. So they stopped inviting her along, and she stopped coming. friends are still with her today, just only in a broken picture frame. One by one, they lost their patience with her and left her behind. That's except for one very speical friend, who still visits her and helps her out sometimes. The only friend, besides her cats, who indulges her dreams and supports her. She got attached and even a little bit in love, and is always happy when they visit.