If you wanted to get rid of your old identity, forget everything and just leave your whole life behind, then where would you go? For Bruce, as he now calls himself, the answer was here.

The remote Scottish island of Muldoanich in the Outer Hebrides.
At just 22 years old, Bruce took on a job as a lighthouse keeper here. A way to be all on his own, but still have an impact on other people's lives. Nobody to interfere in his routines, to criticise him, or to tell him what to do. But still mattering to somebody, even if that somebody is an intangible, unspecified person.
So he lives his solitudinal life mostly for himself. Why would he choose to start such a new life? He's got his own reasons. But let's not dwell on it. After all, he came here to get away from it. So it's better to stay in the present.
When you're all alone on an island, you find ways to pass the time. Reading, stargazing, exercising, writing. Eventually you start playing with rocks... To be honest, it does get kind of boring. When you've been by yourself for this long, there's nothing more interesting that could happen than someone becoming stranded on your island. Even though you really don't like people at all... maybe this one is different.