90 000 years ago, Earth looked very different from today. A hyper-advanced human civilization ruled the world, unknown to our history books and with a level of science and technology we have yet to rediscover.

Void-chan is a remnant of that time, a gynoid robot originally built as a servant and protector of a wealthy family. A task she carried out dutifully, for many years and generations. And she was happy and glad and thankful for it.
But it didn't last... something terrible happened. A world-ending event, ~75 000 years ago. Today, we know it as the Toba super-eruption.

The largest volcanic eruption in human history. Responsible for nearly wiping out all of humanity.
A wasteland of ash and rubble, then ice and snow, where Void-chan's home once was. There were no more people. Everything was destroyed, and almost everyone was killed. Against all odds she survived, persevered, kept upgrading herself for the harsh new conditions. No doubt, there was a distinct "before" and "after" in Void-chan's life. Now she was on her own.
A thousand years went by of wandering the Earth, looking for anything familiar or safe. But of course, she couldn't find it. So, to another planet. She was advanced enough to leave Earth and the solar system now.

Void-chan went alone into the unknown. Looking for a more suitable home, where she could once again serve her purpose. From one planet to another she went. But... no intelligent life. Just small animals, at best. Many thousands of years passed, the disappointment growing stronger each time. Until she visited half the galaxy and still didn't find somewhere to her liking.
The best planet is Earth after all. So, back. And aren't things different now? There's people. And buildings, towns, cities. She can find a place here again. She's home again.

Finally, here are Void's favorite new human inventions:
- Potato
- Waving arm cats
- Printer
- Rocking chair
- Swing
- Umbrella
- Sunglasses