There's a young lady with a donkey friend who lives in a small country town. She's got a little business all by herself, where she delivers fresh groceries to people.

Her name's Nara Appelsina and her donkey's name is Marmi. The two are like friends, they're inseparable. Marmi's always there for Nara, and Nara's always there for Marmi. Nara likes to talk to Marmi, and Marmi can understand her; she's sure of that. Because Marmi even responds to her. But Nara's the only one who can hear it. That's how special their connection is.
Nara Appelsina, her favorite fruit is oranges, and so that's what her specialty is. Nobody's got bigger, juicier oranges than Nara. And she is very proud of them. Everyone loves her for her oranges. She travels very far to get them, and she only wants the best ones.
Whenever she's not busy with her work, she likes to enjoy the quiet at home. She'll take her pen and paper, sit down and write poetry...
Her poems are something she's never shared with anyone, because they are so personal. And because she doesn't think they're anything special. Only Marmi knows about them.
Writing is an outlet for her, and a way she can let herself feel all of those feelings that she can't express in her day-to-day life.

Growing up, Nara was a girl who didn't have it easy. A difficult relationship with food along with her ADHD have made life difficult for her. One time, she took on a job at a grocery market. It was a place that didn't meet her needs well at all. She was made to feel small by an abusive manager.
And soon after she gained the job, she lost it again, which began a downward spiral of depression that was very difficult for her to recover from. Strangely, the shop was destroyed by a fire one day... nobody knows why.
Because of her timid personality, Nara might appear delicate and almost like a doormat. But you shouldn't exhaust her patience. She's got a sharp tongue when she's upset, and she takes joy in the misfortune of those who've wronged her.