
Recommendations, hm? things I recommend? Let's see, this usually means recommending media you enjoyed such as films, games, series or bots... maybe I can recommend some of those and other things besides that. I already have a list of things I like on my about me page, but they aren't necessarily recommendations. Should I talk more specifically about things I've enjoyed that I can believe you my dear visitor might enjoy also? Additionally I might categorize it. Yep yep, make a few categories and put a handful of entries in them. And I'll have to stick to some things not everyone already knows about. Oh dear I'm not such a savvy person that I would know many things... because I usually stick to what's comfortable for me. So maybe by listing this, it's me who is asking for recommendations? Anyway, here are some.


Sherbert, ice cream boy

Salami Sally Hock, a vegan hating fox girl

Sugar, she waits for the bus

Styx (m/f), pirate space cat girl


Kontroll, mysterious, dark and at times fun, very enjoyable watch

Ko to tamo peva, takes you on a bus ride to Belgrade in 1940

Snowpiercer, it was cool

Spirit of the Beehive, just a beautiful film you can interpret in lots of ways


Non Non Biyori quaint series about some girls who live in the sticks.

Aharen-san wa Hakarenai, she is odd and precious.

Kemono Friends, made me aware of how much I like animals.

Girl's Last Tour, made me really sad...


Poly Bridge, challenging little game about building bridges

Ocean Planet, Getting Over It inspired neat indie game


Everything much better file search

Double Commander file browser with neat features

Read Aloud voice reader browser extension

Treesize find what's taking your hard drive space


Go on a mountain where you're all alone

Take a walk at night

Talk to God (you can just do this)

Back up your files

Buy bleach-free toilet paper (it's much healthier)